Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An ABC Poem

About 10 members of Mandel have been meeting Wednesday mornings for Literature Club. Today we read some popular romantic poems and then composed one of our own. We chose the style of an ABC poem which is a five line poem, that goes in alphabetical order.

"The ABC's Of Love"

Annoyed with all my love
Bittersweet, brings tears to my eyes.
Can this be love?
Days and years of longing,
Everlasting devotion.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Favorite Music and TV Shows

This week we would like to know about your favorite Music and TV Shows. Here are our answers!

Hi I am done with testing and I want to know what your favorite music is? Well my favorite music is Spanish, Chris Brown, and all other kinds! If you can tell me what kind of music you like I will be more than happy. What is your favorite TV show? Well my favorite TV shows are family guy, next top model, and other kinds I do not know but I watch it. I just notice that you were around when there was no TV's. Well you can tell me what your favorite show was off of the radio. Well bye. Your Friend, Ciara

It has been a while since last spoke. I like music. Rap is my favorite kind of music. Lil Wayne and 50 cent are my favorite rappers. My favorite TV show is my life as a teenage robot. What kind of music do you like? Who is your favorite singer? What are your favorite TV shows? Your friend, Elijah

Do you remember me, Cayla? Let me tell what kind of music I like. I like r and b, hip hop, and Chris Brown. What is your favorite music? I also want to know what your favorite TV show is? My favorite TV shows are Family guy, Dancing with the stars, and The Simpson's. I have one more question, what was your favorite TV show and song when you were a little kid? Sincerely, Cayla

I listen to rap music. I listen to Gucci mane. My favorite TV show is the game and I love money. The game is a funny TV show. What is your favorite music and TV show? Jaylan

I like to listen to Beyonce, Chris Brown and Usher. Can you tell me who your favorite singer is? Please write back. My favorite TV show is The Love of Ray Jay. What’s your favorite TV show? I also like to watch Making the Band 4. I am sorry we weren't able to talk to you we had to do testing. From Dajah

Hello it's me Isaana. I want to talk to you about what kind of music I like and what type of T.V. shows I watch. I listen to lots of Hip-Hop and jazz too. My favorite music singer is Keyshia Cole, only because she is like my role model in the future. My favorite T.V show is Suite life on deck and Sponge Bob Square pants. They’re both funny to me but probably not to others. Well do you have a favorite T.V show or favorite music? Well I got to go see ya later :-) From your friend, Isaana

Remember me? Mina? It has been a long time since I wrote to you. I have to ask you some more questions like I do every week. What kind of music do you like to listen to? What do you like to watch on TV ? PLEASE DO NOT SAY THAT YOU LIKE THE NEWS :[ My favorite singer is Beyonce and Chris Brown I listen to their music a lot on the radio. My favorite TV shows are Family Guy & America Dad and My wife and kids. They are all very funny shows!!!!!! Sincerely, Mina W

Hello Friend how are you doing? It has been a while since I have written you; we have been taking our tests to see if we can move on to the next grade. I have a question that I would like to ask you. What kind of music do you like to listen to? I like rap music and my favorite artist that sings rap is T.I. What kind of music do you like? Jazz, R&B, or Blues? Please write me back soon. There's another question that I would like to ask you, what do you like to watch on T.V? I like to watch 106 and Park because it shows music videos. Write me back soon and I'll be waiting for the answers. Your Friend Maurice

What is your favorite TV show? My favorite is Chowder. It is very funny. Also what kind of music do you listen to? I like R&B. My favorite artists are TI, Kanye West and Lil Wayne. From, Justin

Hello again, we haven't talked in like a month. Today we are going to talk about "Your Favorite TV Show”, and "Your Favorite Music." Of all, my favorite music is Hip-Hop. Second my favorite TV show is Phineas and Ferb (that is just one). So what is your favorite kind of music? Here are some suggestions: Rock 'N' Roll? Country? I don't know it’s your choice. What are your favorite shows? Here are some suggestions, Price is Right? (That is all I have.) Anyways we were taking this OAT Test, ( Ohio Achievement Test ) I think I passed I really don't know actually. I worked my hardest one each one! Anyways see you later, E-mail me back please.
Sincerely, Nakia

How are you doing? This is Sarah. What kind of music do you like? I like hip hop like Young Ray and Spanish like Daddy Yankee. What is your favorite TV show? Mine is The Game and House of Pain. From Sarah

I am sorry for not writing back because well we were doing test prep. What is your favorite type of music? My favorite type of music is rap. My favorite TV show is MTV Cribs and Jams. From, Lydale

Hey this is Jamel again. This week we are talking about favorite music and T.V. My favorite music is rap. Well some rap when they don’t disrespect ladies. Like the Cool Kids. What’s yours? My favorite T.V. show is The Game.

I'm sorry I have not been writing back to you. But now I am back. Anyway my favorite music is rap and R&B. I like rap because....I don't know why I just like rap. What is your favorite music or your favorite album. My favorite album would Rihanna. My favorite T.V. show is I Love Money and iCarly. What is your favorite TV show.

Hi my name is Tarah and I like to listen to R and B and hip hop. My favorite hip hop star now is T.I. His music is very powerful that's why I love it. My favorite shows are I Love Money, for the Love of Ray J, and South Beach. Our school is now just getting done with testing so I am very happy. I hope I passed my test and hope all my friends passed too. So what is your favorite music and favorite show and write back thank you.

I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked but I am going to talk to you about what music I like and what I like to watch on TV. I like to listen to hip hop and other types of music too. Now to TV I like to watch Disney channel and I also like to watch Nickelodeon. So how about you? What’s your favorite TV show? I also would like to know your favorite music too. Hope u reply back. From Ahmari

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mandel Club Pets

Dorothy-Hi kids. I babysit for my son's dog, Scorpio all the time. He is a Cairn Terrier, and he has a big yard to run and play in. He's a great dog.

Shirley-I had goldfish, they grew to be old enough for a bar or bah mitzvah. I'm not sure of their sex. In case you don't know, a mitzvah is when a boy or girl turn 13, the coming of age.

Sandra- I have Pretty Girl. She's a black and white cat, and she's very smart. Sh saved my life by alerting my mother I was passed out in the bathroom. She knows when I'm sick and she acts like a dog at times. She's a lovely cat, I love her.

Ann-I had a cat and a dog. The dog's name was Pal.

Bea-I lived in Barbados a long time ago and I owned a dog, cats, goats, sheep, rabbit, pigs, and chicken. We had a small farm. Now, my grandson has a cat.

Monia-When I lived in Detroit I had a chihuahua named Pinky. Sadly, someone stole him from our yard.

Harriet- I never had a pet of my own but I took home all of the strays including snakes, birds, and once a rabbit. My mom never let me keep any of them!

Lena-I had a dog named Shine when my husband was living. He was a very good, smart dog.

Millie- I have a black and white miniature Schnauzer. Her name is Elke and she likes to eat American Cheese and sit on my lap.

We hope to hear back from you soon with more information.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Favorite Pets

Hi All,

This week we want to tell you about our favorite pets and we would love to know about your favorite pets as well! We are really enjoying talking with you and love reading your posts!

Hi Friend! I don't have any pets my last pet just died her name was Angel. She died because she had a seizure and someone poisoned her food or something and they lived on our street. My favorite pet is a puppy because their so little and cute. Well now I think I'll ask you a question. What is your favorite pet? From Amarhi

Dear Shirley, I want to ask you a question to ask you. What is your favorite pet and Why? My favorite pet is a dog because they are so cute to me. I want one for all my life. I have 2 dogs. Their names are Dani and Princess. One is a Husky and mix breed. I can't remember what she is. Sincerely, Mina

Dear Richard, My favorite pet is my hamster. It is my favorite because it is small and soft. It is easy to care for. It is black and white. What is your favorite pet? Sincerely, Justin

Dear Patricia, I don't have a pet. My favorite pet is a dog. My cousins have a dog named Angel. Every week on Friday I go and play with Angel. I even take her on a walk to the store. My mom says that I am really good with dogs. Angel always knows how to get out of the house without going out of the doggie door. I feel like Angel is my own dog. Sometimes Angel comes over to my house. What kind of dog do you like? Love, Cayla

Hi Friend! What’s your favorite pet? Mine’s a Cane Corso. It’s an Italian dog. It’s big and nice looking. I got one named King. From Jamel

Hello, it’s Dajah. Do you have any pets because I have three animals? I have a dog, a turtle, and I had a kitten but we had to give him away. My little brother named him kitty. My turtle’s name is Snow bell, my dogs name is Sam Scruffy Williams. He was my first dog, snow bell was my first pet, I got him when I was 3 years old I had him ever since. I had other pets but I don't see them anymore.

Zelmar do you have any pets? Like a dog or a cat or any other pets? I want a pet but my mom is worried that I might not have enough responsibility but I’m showing her that I have enough responsibility. So please e-mail me back and tell me what pet and why you like it. From Maurice

Dear Sandra, My favorite animal is a dog because he protects me. What is your favorite animal? It could be anything. From Lydale

Dear Ann, Hello again. Thank you for writing back. I had 2 pets but the first one we had to put it to sleep because it bit my brother. The second one my dad did not like it so he opened the door and let him out while we were asleep. My first dog was named Bear and my second dog was named Budda. What is your favorite pet? Sincerely, Tammeya

Hi Monia, My favorite pet is a bunny. I love those things. They are so furry, soft, and cute. Me and my mommy have a bunny named Spots. I feed him and take care of him sometimes. But the rest of the time my mom does the work. I love my mom for that. I think she is really nice to me. Well of course. She’s my mom. Sincerely, Tarah

Hey it's Sarah, How is your day going? What is your favorite pet? I like monkeys and dogs. What about you? Did u ever have a pet? I have 4 cats, 5 dogs and one guinea pig. My brother and sisters each have their own cat. The dogs just sit around and play out side. We also have our own dogs too. I only have a dog. Her name is Darla. She is very cute and fun. She is a girl that's why I like her. From Sarah. Have a nice day.

Hey, Millie it is Ciara again. I have a lot of animals, but I love them all. They are the best because they will love up to me when I get home. My favorite animal is a rabbit. One time I saw a rabbit so hairy that you can not see his eyes, and I bet he can not see at all too. Well I will tell you what kinds of animals I have. I have a dog, cat, bird, Guinea pig, and that is all of the kinds of animals I have. Well I will talk to you next time. Love, Ciara P.S. What kinds of animals do you have? Do you have any animals?

Dear Beatrice, Today we are going to talk about Pets. Did you ever have pets? What are your favorite pet(s)? Mines are a puppy and a cat. They are so cute! I want one but my mother said I cannot get one because my sister is allergic to pets that have fur.
Thanks A Lot Beatrice! Love, Nakia

Dear Mary-T, I know that you might not be able to type back to me and try to respond to what I write. What I'm going to be talking about today is my favorite pet. I love monkeys and rabbits. My sister says that the only reason why I like monkeys is because I look like one but that's not true. But I only like Monkeys that are just new born because they are so cute and you can teach them right from wrong. I really love Rabbits because they are the cutest thing in the world. I really want to know what’s your favorite pet or pets. SEE YA LATER : )

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mandel Club's Childhood Memories

Hi, Ciara, it's Millie. I grew up in Brooklyn, NY and I had a lot of friends. We used to go bowling a lot. I had two sisters and a brother, I'm the youngest. We always had a dog, and I still do today! He's a black and white schnauzer. Do you like animals or have a pet? I'd love to hear back from you, be good!

Hi Kumar, its Del. I think it's great that you read the bible. How did you like Canada when you visited? What did you like about it? Good luck with your video games.

Hi, its Ann. My childhood was okay. My mother and father didn't have a lot of money so it was hard at times. As time went on, things got better. I went through school, graduated and became a stenographer. Then I met my husband, got married and had children.

Hi Sarah, its Harriet. I was glad to hear about your childhood. I am one of three children. I had an older brother and younger sister, so being in the middle things were always my fault. I graduated high school and received my diploma and went on to work in my father's grocery store. My grandparents lived with us too. I look forward to hearing from you again.

Hi Tarah, its Monia. I was not spoiled growing up. We had very little money, I grew up in Poland in the 30's. It was hard times. I'm glad for you that you have things, you should feel lucky and appreciate your parents and the life you have.

Hi this is Adele. I grew up in Farrockaway, NY with my sisters and brothers. We learned how to swim in the ocean. I just had a birthday on March 4th. I celebrated with my friends in Club Mandel. Chocolate is my favorite kind of cake.

Hi Mina, its Shirley. My parents both worked. I had a sister ten years older than me. And I was a schlep-a-long, which means tag-a-long.

Hi this is Dorothy. I had a nice childhood. There was 14 kids in my family, 6 sisters, 7 brothers and myself. We didn't have a lot of money but we had the necessities. I like to read and meet people.

Talk to you all again soon!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our Childhood

Thank You for writing back to us! We love reading your posts. This week we want to tell you about our childhood. Some of us are writing to everyone and some of us are writing to specific people.

I have a really good childhood. I have lots of video games. I've still have them from when I was little. I don't play them any more. They are dusty. From Jaylan

Hi Sandra! I like my childhood as a friend. I do sports and others things. How is your friend? Tell her I said hi. I like girls that are 10 or 11. From Lydale

Hey Harriet, I am going to talk about child hood. What was your child hood like? I'm going to tell you about mine. I have lots of friends and I am doing well in school. I need to work on my talking in class than working. I'm 11 in 5 days I will be 12. I live with my brother and sisters. I love to be with the baby. I think they are really fun and interesting. My life at home is okay. I am a normal child; I have to do chores and things like that. My brother moved out. I don't live with my mom or dad. My mom died and I don't see my dad too often. I wish I could just live with my dad and mom, well I just want to have a normal life like others, living with my mom and dad. My mom died when I was 2. My dad left when I was 4, 5 or 6. I don't remember. I am hoping you will write back. Have a nice day! Bye. Love Sarah

Hey Mary-T! It's Isaana and I would like to talk about my childhood. Well when I was 3 I got to meet most of my sisters and brothers. I have a twin brother and sister. When I was 6 my baby brother and baby sister was born. They look like twins but are not. In 2003 my sister was born but died because my mom had her too early and also my mom was VERY sick. I really never got to see her. Then my brother Ian was born. He is the baddest thing you will ever meet. When my brother Ian was 3 he had stomach surgery. I was so scared of what might happen to him if they had messed up on his surgery. When I was 4 or 5 I started school. My sister that is a twin has a baby that is almost 1 years old. Well that’s about my life. Can you tell me about yours? See ya later!

Hi, Monia. It is me again I am going to tell you about my childhood. When I was a child I was a very spoiled and got everything I want. Did I get in trouble a lot? Yes. Would I act better? No. Did those hits hurt? Yes. I was very fortunate as a child I got everything I wanted. What was your childhood like Monia? Where you fortunate? Where you spoiled? Sincerely, Tarah

Hi, it’s me Dajah. Today we are suppose to talk about our childhood. My childhood was good. The only thing that was bad about my childhood is my father died when I was six. He died on the day before his birthday. We still celebrate his birthday by making his favorite flavor of cake. We always let my brother blow out the candles since his name is Darrell too. How was your childhood?

Dear Del, I like to read too, but I sometimes like to play my game. At home I read the Bible sometimes. I love to go out of the state. I been to Canada and it is a little cold. And when I grow up I want to be a video game creator. From Kumar

Hi this is Jamel. And my child hood is sometimes perfect but sometimes it’s not. I am a good football and basketball player. Almost every year I play sports. I even went to Tri-c to the Braylon Edwards foundation. How was your childhood?

Dear Richard, My childhood is great. Pretty much all I do is play video games. What was your childhood like? I have 3 game systems. I love to eat. My favorite fast food restaurant is McDonalds. My mom thinks I’m "greedy.” I love the summer. That’s my childhood! From Justin

My name is Amarhi and I am going to tell you about my childhood. Well lets start off by I am 10. My favorite candy is chocolate and I like sour candy. My favorite subject in school is Math. When I was 1 yr old my mom would always give me pudding and I would always spill it on me so she would always have to give me a bath. Sorry but I am going to skip a couple of ages. When I was 4 I used to always go over to my Auntie house and eat ribs and stuff. Then sometimes I would spend the night but usually my mom would come pick me up. When I was 7 me and my grandma would go up to the stores and the days I didn’t go to school my grandma would pick me up. And now I go to school and come home and do work and things. What was your childhood like?

Dear Patricia, Hey it’s me Cayla. How was your childhood? Were you ever bulled by someone? Did you ever bully someone? Sometimes I’m mean to my sister and my mom has to yell at us in stores. I really like to go outside to run around to get out anger. What was the name of your school? I wonder how you would react if someone was hurting someone else. I wouldn't stand for it. I would do something about it! When I was a 4 years old I was very short tempered but when I got older I got more in my comfort zone. My sister always bothers me and I get mad. Well see ya! Love, Cayla

Dear Shirley, I have a question to ask. Was your childhood like? My childhood is amazing. I'm spoiled by parents. I got flat screen TV, 2 cell phones, a camera, a Nintendo DS, laptop, and a desk and lots of collector dolls. I went on trips to many places. And my Auntie got me and my sister Raina lots of gift from the places she goes. She travels all over the worlds. Last time she got us a purse from India and a doll from China. What was your childhood like? Love, Mina

Hi Ann. Thanks for writing us back! Hi again. My childhood is great because I am spoiled. My mom and dad spoil me. My mom doesn't work because she has to take care of my two baby brothers. They are not even 1 year old yet. I told you a little about them last time. And my other little brother named Rodney. My cousin who is my age but I am still older than him by 6 months and my little brother always be jealous because I get everything I want. I have a question..... What was your childhood like? From Tammeya

Hi, I am Ciara and I am 10 years old. I love to read! Reading is the best. I'm now am reading Anne Frank. My childhood is good. Well not that much, because in school there are a lot of people that are mean and they bully me. They can be nice sometimes but not all of the time. And at home my life is real good. I have nice sisters and nice brothers. But my brother Phillip moved to his dad’s house. Because he turned 18 and when you are 18 in my house you have to move out. Well that is all that is going on in my life. So bye and I will write to you again! Love, Ciara

Dear Beatrice,
Hi again! My childhood was great because my mother would always give me what I wanted. My father was the same way. My father brought me a tricycle it was red. I would ride it all day! My mother brought me these little boots they were pink. I would wear them everyday. My mother was about to leave and I said “Wait! Let me get my pink boots." My mother gave my baby clothes to my little sister because I was too big to fit in them! She did the same with my bike.

One Year Later...
My teeth started to grow. My birthday came on that same day and my mother got me this cake (I don't remember how it tasted.) My father brought me a bear. My mom brought me a Minnie doll. I was so happy! My mother brought me some more pink boots that was my size. I fell asleep in the bed that I thought was so cozy! My mother woke me up and said “You have to take your bath now!” I was really stunned. I hated baths.

A Couple of Years Later...
I was four-years old then. My mother put that little gate in front so I would not get out. I got this bouncy toy thing and hopped over it. I was stunned once more but happiness. I went in the fridge and got something. But my mother came back and put me back in the little gate. I was stunned in madness.

More Years Than Before...
I was 7 (three years later) and I got all my teeth in my mouth finally! I made a cover tent. I went inside. It fell right on me! I was stunned in embarrassment. My other birthday came. I got a lot of dolls and lip-glosses! I love lip-glosses so much!!!!!! )

One more Year Later...
I was eight years old. I got more dolls and lip-glosses than ever for no reason!
I met my cousins Maya, Maya, and my little sister Aaliyah.

My Age Now...
I'm nine years old now. I had nasty feeling skin! I was stunned in nasty stuff. I got my wish - I was older than ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The End
I have one question. How was your childhood like?


Friday, February 27, 2009

Getting to know you

Hello again friends. We are really enjoying getting to know you better. Here are the answers to your questions. Some of our friends were not here to answer.

Adele- I attended a Jewish School in New York.

Monia-I also attended a Jewish School, but in Detroit. I remember I had a good friend named Mary.

Shirley- I attended Hazeldell Elementary School. I remember being an average student.

Sandra- Miles Standish and Doan for Elementary. The best thing about elementary school for me was meeting my friend Fernette, who I am still blessed with today.

Harriet- I love to play the game Maj Jongg with my friends in my apartment building. I host the game each week. It's a game you play with tiles. I attended Hazeldell School. I had very good grades throughout school. I also have a dear friend Ethel, whom I met in elementary school.

Richard-I went to school in Vienna! When I came to the United States, I opened a carpet business that my son's now run.

Millie- I went to school in New York. It was named PS-64. The schools there are all numbered. The PS stands for public school.

Ann-I grew up with African Americans. I attended John Burrells School, and I had to take two buses to get there.

Delbert- I attended Watts Elementary in Chester, PA. I had pretty good grades, and I went on to become a teacher!

Dorothy- I attended Lincoln Elementary in North Carolina. I remember my favorite teacher was Mrs. Gibson.

As a group, we are really enjoying getting to know you better, and we like answering your questions. Can't wait for the next batch.

Until then, The Mandel Club